Thursday, August 17, 2006

Finding Joy in the Simple things!

Finding joy in the simple things?!?!
It's hard to view the mudane, monotonous tasks of everyday life with awe and reverance. I'm awful at picking on the itty bitty details. Specks of dust on the TV, opaque fingerprints on the windows and watermarks on the stainless steel.
When I only had two kids (one at school) I would plan my day around my chores and I really did become more than a little unhealthily obsessed with details.
Since having my third baby (and hopfully more to come in the future) I realise that unless I become a slave to my ideals and notions of perfection I will never NEVER never have a "showhome"
And you know what this is okay. I really enjoy my kids so much now and I also enjoy my home. It feels like ahome. It is not a sterile environment. It is not a boot camp training ground. It is happy and full.
I'm trying very hard to allow even my everyday, routine tasks, washing up, laundry YEP!!! laundry AKA (Officially the most uninspiring activity known to mankind) cleaning and cooking to be utilised in helping me grow and become a better person. I know this seems like I'm pushing the limits of reality but stick with the program hehe!!!
Everyday chores definatly strenghten your patience threshold. And they certainly encourage you to adopt such things as tolerance, acceptance and placidity.
I really think that there is to greater emphasis on having a "perfect" home. The emphasis seems always to strive for what society deems "perfect" and "acceptable" Instead of "accepting" your own best efforts and embarking on those efforts with good intentions. For example: Am I cleaning my house to within an inch of it's life and buying and consuming products that don't make me feel any more fullfilled for a greater good or to impress my neighbour, friend, mother in law or the lady down the street who always turns her nose up at me?
I think that the idea of starting your daily businesss with a good intention is actually very important. The intention is the motivating force behind action. Therefore a good intention will set the orientation for your journey. It will be the basis for you navigation.
I am a pretty much expect the best, except the rest kind of person. I hope for the best, I try my best and I except the outcome good or bad. Because if my intention was good in the first place whatever grows from it should be in my best interests. It will help me to grow in my soul and bring me closer to God.
So I do think that it is important to be mindfull of the small and simple things. Each small experience guides, moulds, and turns our faces to the truth.

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