Friday, July 13, 2007

From the inside out
It always amazes me how God can work on us from the inside out. Every time we choose Jesus first, everytime we turn to gaze at the light of Jesus' face God illuminates the path ahead just a little more and clears the dust from our eyes so we may see it a little better.
I had my first daughter when I was just 18.
I was a very different person then. I had lived on my own since I was 16 and had become a bit of a survivalist. Some parts of my life were destructive and everything around me felt transient and fragmented, there were no solid foundations to my world. I felt consistantly empty inside. However, God new how he could call me so I would listen. His voice was steady and true amid the chaos.
My daughter was born one beautiful Springtime morning. The crisp sunlight washed over her face for the first time and I as I stared into her eyes I new there was a new life for me somewhere behind them.
That day I surrendered my life out of love for another to Jesus.
I chose Jesus :)
Slowly but surely I have felt a continuing sense of transformation from within since that moment.
And since that precious moment I have endeavoured to always choose Jesus first. To follow him first.
And as he transforms me on the inside, I find, he transforms my life on the outside too.

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