Saturday, July 28, 2007


The Pieta always, reminds me of Our Lady's humanity, the simple love she had as a mother for her son.

More than any other representation, The Pieta acknowledges how the calling of motherhood means the embracing of our childrens experiences.

From their peace and joy to their pain and sorrow, a mother has to hold it all in her heart.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's a moment of special feelings each time I visit your "boat". Sometimes I cannot comment what you post because I'm afraid not to brake the beauty and the sensibility of your worlds.
    The Pieta made me so close of a mother feelings and the God sacrifice for us ,sinful people.
    Thank you, SUZYQ,XX Sma
    I wrote the comment from my daughter comp. and I delited , so it's me again:)


Thank you for your thoughts.