
Saturday, July 14, 2007

What do you think the angels will say?

I do believe I've posted about my 3 year old daughter before.
She is a cupcake!

The other day she was being such a good girl helping sweep up some crumbs with a dustpan and brush that had fallen from the table onto the kitchen floor.
"Oh" I exclaimed pleasingly, thinking quickly of some encouraging words "I think the angels will be watching you help your Mummy and they'll tell God all about what a nice girl you are" :)
Not 10 seconds later her 1 year old sister toddles over to the bin, fishes out an apple peel nochalantly discarding it from her chubby little fingers onto the newly swept floor.
Daughter no 2 looks toward me wearily, places her hands upon her hips indignantly and shakes her head in solemn disapproval.
" Well mummy, what do you think the angels will be telling God about (name) then!
What could I say?

She is a cupcake!

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