
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Just a thin dark curtain between us and God

I heard a quote somewhere saying how the night sky is just a dark curtain between us and God and how the stars are pinpricks that the angels have pierced through so that we may always see God's light in the darkness.
When I look up at the endless stars in the night sky I am reminded of God's infinite reach.
I know that I may lay down to sleep within the gravity of his love.


  1. Oh my! I love analogies and I love this fun concept. It reminds me of the angels bowling theory. But this also reminds me of that song "This Little Light of Mine"....we are not to hide the light of Christ in us.

  2. My daughter sings "This little light of Mine" in her school choir so I know and love it well :)
    Thankyou so much for your nice comments.


Thank you for your thoughts.