Sunday, August 05, 2007

Summertime Memories

I am sitting here in the soft golden hush of an early Summer evening. The baby is full and satisfied in slumber beside me. Her soft breathing sounds like the beating of a butterflies wings. It fills me full of peace.
It has been a lovley day here spent in the sunshine. We filled the big paddling pool in the back garden and the girls took it turns to slide into the water trying to see who could make the biggest splash! As you can imagine the lawn got a good watering.
Not that it needed it, everything has been so green this Summer with all the rain we've had.
It was so nice to indulge in a proper Summer day. A day full of melting icecreams, happy smiling faces, sunlight glinting through the trees and dappling the picnic blanket, crumbled cookies and sandwich crusts scattered on the grass and the sound of three squealing girls let loose with a hosepipe.
The little tin watering can we bought the girls was filled with leaves to make, apparently ( a nest for a baby bird, or maybe a mouse.) My three year old is very inventive ;) And our 1 year old found a frog in the undergrowth and as it hopped away to find a more reliable shelter she followed it by hopping cautiously along behind it :0) She is such a little character that one.

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