
Saturday, September 01, 2007

Deer Are Smart

A family in Bend, Oregon found this fawn on their front steps a few weeks ago and took this photo. The white spots on the steps are apple blossom petals. As you may know, deer hide their fawns and go away for awhile. The fawns have no odor yet, and naturally stay absolutely still. Isn't this an amazing photograph? A great job of natural camouflage! The fawn stayed there all morning, and the mama came to get it after 4-5 hours. Kudos to the people for leaving the fawn alone, knowing Mom would be back. THE MOM "HID" HER BABY ON THE BROWN STEPS WITH WHITE SPOTS.


  1. Such a lovely photo. You don't see such sights in London! Aaah...

  2. What a lovely photo! We can learn from nature if we open our eyes . Fragility, innocence, love as well as sacrifice, risk, and loyalty. Thank you Suzy.XX Sma

  3. Thankyou Mike, it was just too cute I had to share it :0)

  4. Hello sma.
    Motherlove is a wonderful thing isn't it:0)

  5. What a lovely image...and reading the story behind it just made me sigh!

  6. Thankyou Veritas:0There's something about little fawns that just makes you go awwwww! isn't it.

  7. That is just so precious! The fawn looks so innocent and trusting, waiting for mama to return. Just like the innocence and total trust of our little ones towards us!


Thank you for your thoughts.