
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Having a Mary heart and a Martha Mind

Having a Mary Heart and a Martha Mind

Lord of all pots and pans and things, since I’ve no time to be A saint by doing lovely things, or watching late with Thee,

Or dreaming in the dawn-light, or storming Heaven’s gates,

Make me a saint by getting meals and washing up the plates.

Although I must have Martha’s hands,

I have a Mary mind,

And when I black the boots and shoes,

Thy sandals, Lord, I find.

I think of how they trod the earth, what time I scrub the floor:

Accept this meditation, Lord, I haven’t time for more.

Warm all the kitchen with Thy love, and light it with Thy peace;

Forgive me all my worrying, and make my grumbling cease.

Thou who didst love to give men food, in room or by the sea,

Accept this service that I do -— I do it unto Thee.—

Cecily Rosemary Hallack (1898-1938)


  1. Funny, I was thinking of this story before I came online! There is so much to learn here. That's beautiful.

  2. My favorite line "Forgive me all my worrying, and make my grumbling cease. "

    This is my prayer:)

    I love this bible illustration and I love your poetry. May God continue to bless your talent

  3. Love this, Suzy!
    btw: If you don't mind copy/pasting, there's a poem I think you'll like here:

  4. I think the whole story of Martha and Mary is to teach us to make our work whether it be scrubbing the floors or washing the dishes a prayer.

    You dont have to be kneeling 24/7 in order to pray. That is especially impossible for busy Mums and Dad's.

    What an excellent piece Thankyou Suzy:)

    Peace to you:)


  5. This speaks to so many of us, Suzy. And as the previous commentator says we can make our work a prayer.


Thank you for your thoughts.