Saturday, October 20, 2007

I am borrowing an idea from the excellent

This is an interesting personality test based upon the Myers Briggs original.

The results seem to be pretty spot on for most people. Although I think that it is fair to say in critisism of tests like these they tend to be somewhat generalised.

I turned out to be an INFJ ( click on the link here:- for more info on this type)

To find out your own personality type according to this test click on the link below :0)

I think this just proves that despite the many differences bettween people we must look above and beyond the defence mechanisms, the habits, the conditioned responses and opinions of others and try to see the child in everyone. The part inside each one of us, that is closest to God.


  1. I'm ISFJ, Suzy...interesting.

  2. I'm an INFP. It's that authentic child which frees us to know and love God more. The first step of emptying oneself, know thy self.

    I like your blog. :)

  3. SuzyQ,

    Thanks for the link to the test...I think I might have taken it before, and the cool thing is that I was the same thing as last time (ENFJ).

    I agree...I think when we STOP and remember that we are all different, but all the same through Him, then we can learn to all get along.

    Good words...

  4. Welcome Alexandra and Mel.
    It's lovely to "meet" you both :0)

    THankyou so much for taking the time to leave your kind comments:0)

  5. I read your profile Veritas:0)
    Make sure you make time for yourself too. You deserve it :0)
    God Bless


Thank you for your thoughts.