Friday, November 16, 2007

A Bloggy Sabbatical

Well I am going to be taking a break from blogging for a while. I don't know if I'll be posting anymore, we'll see:0)
I'm focusing on learning as much as I can at the moment. I have learnt so much from you all. I feel privileged to have been able to find so many special and inspiring people through this little blog of mine. THANKYOU ALL for your lovely heart warming comments, I have appreciated every single one of them:0)

God Bless,


This little boats gone sailing again...



  1. Suzy!!! You can't goooooo! No, I'm kidding... I'm just being selfish. If you need a break, or your life is better withouth this extra, then you have to do what you have to do. But, I'll miss you and your beautiful place here in the universe. Will you pop over and visit me at my place?

  2. That's sad for us Suzy but may God bless you in all you do!

    Thank you so much for your inspiration, and also for all your encouraging comments at 'This i do'.

  3. I'll really miss my visits here and all the lovely pictures and quotations...and what about your own writing...I know you're studying and busy with such a young family, but maybe after a break you'll feel refreshed and think then of coming back? God bless you, Suzy, and your lovely family....may you be guided by the Holy Spirit and do the right thing.

  4. I know how much time it takes to study and give all the time needed to care for your family. God be with you, and though I have been new to your blog you have touched my heart and soul!!! Thank you...And I'll keep a light in the window...Will look forward to your return.

  5. ((((Suzy))))

    I will really miss you:(. This is such a lovely blog...I hope you will continue to visit us at 'View from the Pews'? But I am sure going to miss your insight:).

    Peace & JOY to you:)

    Marie xoxoxo

  6. Please don't hide your light under a bushel. Gifts are for sharing.

  7. Oh, Suzy, you'll be missed! I have so enjoyed getting to know a little of your heart and life. You have such a gift of peace and beauty to share. I felt so refreshed to visit your lovely blog. I hope you'll be back some day, but I completely understand if you need to move on to other things or just take a little break. Thanks for your visits to by blog - you're welcome anytime! God bless you and your beautiful family and may God bless you as you live out doing what He would have you do.

    Lisa :)

  8. :-( You'll be really missed.

  9. I'll really miss your blog.
    Stay well my sister,

  10. Oh honey, I will soooo miss you! Your blog is an Oasis on the www! Please keep in touch, either at my blog or in the Rose Garden, won't you?

    Lots of love and prayers,
    AR xx

  11. Wanted to drop in today to say HI and say you are missed by me. Know you are in my prayers and hope that all is well with studies and family. Your blog draws me back like a child in anticipation of the return of a best friend who has been on vacation and you want to know how the trip was. Take care and have a GREAT day!!!

  12. How sweet of you GrandmaK:0)
    And thankyou to everyone for the kind comments you took the trouble to leave on this post.
    I feel close to all of you:0)
    And I will certainly keep in touch through all your great blogs. much love

  13. hello Suzy:)

    Ginny & I have started our own Christmas Award to celebrate the real meaning of Christmas the birth of our Savior.

    We hope you will join in and pay it forward to your own blog roll:).

    Peace & JOY to you:)

    Marie from View from the Pews.

  14. What a lovely idea Marie. I'll take a wander over to your place and have a look:)

  15. Hey SuzyQ - just stopping by to say hello! Hope you still blog! :) (But please do what you feel you must do!)

    Blessings -



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