
Sunday, December 30, 2007


I thought it was about time I introduced my long suffering husband.

Here he is... taken on Christmas day, my dearest, darling, husband Tani!!!

And here is the beautiful present he gave me. A rosary made in the holyland. The beads are made of crushed rose petals and carry the most beautiful aroma.

And if you happen to be visiting

Thanks again hon


  1. Nice to meet you, Tani!

    Suzy, what a beautiful gift you received! Have a wonderful New Year!

  2. So nice to make Tani's acquaintance! And what a beautiful rosary! (My husband gave me one a little like yours with the crushed roses, though not from the Holy Land when my first daughter was born 12 years ago, and it still smells wonderful!)Happy, Blessed New Year, Suzi and Family!

  3. Happy to meet you,Tani! What a beautiful Christmas gift. I have one from the Holy Land as well. Reminds me of all the prayers needed for those who live there each time I use it. Happy New Year, Suzy, and God Bless!


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