Friday, January 04, 2008


Here's a picture of my favourite comedy duo of all time.

They are a real double act.

Partners in crime. They work as a team to sneak snacks from the treat cupboard whenever Mummy isn't looking :0)

Don't you think they look a little Laurel and Hardy here heehee!

Here's a little gem from this evening :0)..."Oh Mummy can I have "Cheeky Massala" for dinner tonight." Piped up one little Bujana Grace. (aka girlie no.2)

She meant Tikka Masala of course :0)She's so funny!


  1. Oh Suzy, what beautiful little girls! Does that little one have a pacifier in her mouth? That is too cute! My Emily still uses hers, but she's going to be four!
    Blessings to you!

  2. Hi Lisa:00
    Yep,that's Matilda she'll be two in Febuary and she still loves her pacifier, or dummy as we call it here in England:0)
    Whenever I've tried to wean her off them in the past she only stashes as many of them as she can find under her pillow, or pockets or toybox! It's so funny. I guess she just still needs that comfort sometimes.

  3. We worried about our Laura when she was little and her need for the pacifier. Decided not to worry about it. One day it was lost and we looked high and low for it. Never did find it. While we were hunting, she just suddenly walked away and never asked about it again...she was nearly three. But if Matilda has many that is a lot to lose. Just cherish those little girls, before you know it they will be grown young ladies. God bless!!! Cathy

  4. Oh, my goodness, they are so cute! You take such wonderful pictures, Suzy! ~About half of ours used pacifiers, and they were a wonderful thing! A bit of a nuisance keeping clean, and a trauma when they were lost, but we figured if the little one needed that comfort, they just NEEDED it, that's all. &:o) Not a one of them suffered for having them, and there's been no difference in their teeth, either (like some Drs and dentists used to say would happen).

  5. Hi Suzy,

    Thank you so much for stopping by and for asking to add me to your blogroll. Yes, you absolutely may! Please visit again soon.

    Bless you, my friend!



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