
Friday, December 26, 2008

My Bujana Grace

The name Bujana comes from an ancient illyrian river running between Albania and Kosovo ( now called the Buna).
It flows through Shkodra, the town where Tani was born, toward it's end in the turquoise tides of the Mediteranean sea.
Bujana's second name is Grace.
How telling a name can be! Bujana, our little daughter has been a flow of grace in our lives since the day she was born December 26th Boxing day 2003!!!

The best Christmas present I have ever had, I have to say :0)

The grace she brings to us undulates, trembles, springs, refreshes, rushes, twists, turns, meanders and bubbles with life and joy.
This is our "lil Boo".
Full of life, filled to the brim with exuberance.

When she was born the first thing I noticed about her was her sweet almond shaped brown eyes and her sticky out ears!

At night Tani would often seranade her by playing a little lullaby on the guitar. She always loved music so much and would often respond to it by moving her arms, clapping or babbling along.
She has always loved music just like her Daddy.

We couldn't belive it when she started to talk at a year using full sentances!
By 16 months she was already negotiating and barganing deals by asking for
"doclat 'uttons" ( chocolate buttons) whenever she had been particularly obediant!
(What can I say? She's her Mummies girl lol ;)
Once she reached a year and a half she had even started to argue back!
Whenever she was asked to sit at the naughty step for being the cheeky little monkey we've come to know and love, she would simply say...
"But I'm only a baby" In her sweetest most innocent voice.
She is a little character.
Her personality is so strong and individual.
But what I love most about our Boo is her heart. She has a heart of pure gold!
She loves her sisters to bits and cares beautifully for the baby. She adores her animals and cries whenever her sisters hurt themselves. She even talks to the insects and plants in the garden with a gentle , soothing voice and always makes sure her baby doll has a blankie (blanket) before she goes to sleep!

At Easter I was telling the girls the story of Jesus and reading passages from the bible.
When I looked up at the end of the reading I saw Boo staring at her little hands resting upon her lap, silent tears rolling down her cheeks.
" I love Jesus so much" she said.
" I don't ever want him to be hurt Mummy"

She always says a lovley prayer before bed when she asks God to care for all the people she loves because "they are so lovley to me"
And then she asks God to help her be a good little girl before thanking him for " the beautiful world with all the lovley creatures"

She has a beautiful little heart!

Sometimes she reminds me of a little bear cub with her brown curls and eyes, her chubby cheeks and little round, button nose, all curled up in a chair with her etcha sketch or a story book with lots of pictures.

When I look at it it's true. Grace and miracles were something she brought us as a gift from heaven when she was born.

If she were a flower she would be a wild poppy.
Red, lively, joyful, bright, cheery, delecate, soft, rare. A real Splash of colour.
She paints patterns all over the blue sky. Like drops of water mixed with sunshine. She is a rainbow!
I love my Boo.
And Christmas wil always be extra special because it's her birthday too :0)


  1. What an exquisite name and a beautiful girl. Merry christmas and happy birthday and all the wonderful blessings of this season.

  2. I always wondered where her name came from. Jessamine Morgen was named after the scent of pink jasmine that used to wake me up in the spring. I wanted her middle name to be Morning but Brad wouldn't go for it so I had to find something that meant morning. Odessa means journey and her middle name is Marsaili, the Scottish version of Margaret (pearl), after Brad's Nynee (Welsh for grandmother) who passed earlier this year.

  3. Happy Birthday to Bujana Grace. What a beautiful name she has.

  4. A lovely ode to a lovely lil' Boo.

  5. Wow I love the meanings of your girl's names Marie.
    Morgen is german for morning isn't it? That is so beautiful.
    Funnily enough my middle name is Margaret after my mothers scottish grandmother. I love "Marsaili" it is a really pretty version.

  6. Thank you Tonia, Therese, and Robert too for stopping by.
    And leaving your kind wishes :)
    Each one is so appreciated.
    God Bless

  7. My maiden name is the German word for "luck," so we figured it was a decent hat-tip. And I didn't like the other options at all: Dawn or Roxana. Aurora is nice but quite a mouthful. I kind of wanted to incorporate Boudicea somehow too, but I figured her name was complicated enough as it was. :P

  8. Blessings on Bujona Grace on this HER special day. And God Bless you all with his tender love and joy! Cathy


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