
Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Is it a choice? Between the ordinary everyday, mundane, routine. Or the dream that brushes past me like a cool breeze. The light which gently draws me from sleep, the love that raises me up from the ground.
Is it a choice?
Is it possible for everyday moments, mundane routines, responsibilities, hopes, troubles, joy's, sorrows, sacrifices' be raised up by the dream itself.
A prayer that integrates into the everyday hours. Enlightening, illuminating, transfiguring the moments of giving, loving, recieving, being, crying, sharing, suffering, praying, living.

"and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them.
And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them" Mark 9:3-4.


  1. Tracking with you. Dreaming with you. Living ordinaryness with you. Hoping with you. Rejoicing with you. Weeping with you. Praying with you. Growing with you. Choosing with you.

    Bless you, Suzy!

  2. May we let the Lord lead us wherever He chooses, on the mountaintop and down to the valleys.

  3. "A prayer that integrates into the everyday hours. Enlightening, illuminating, transfiguring the moments of giving, loving, recieving, being, crying, sharing, suffering, praying, living."

    I was doing this a lot today. It was one of those days at work when "order" was not the reality, but not quite chaos. Calling his name was my solace. Perhaps I was transfigured in some way today...simply by the fact that at the end of the day I can still laugh. Thank you for this gift!!! It will be treasured! Cathy

  4. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful.

    Much love,

  5. Wow Suzy, i really love this! : )

    It reminds me of how the inner things are as qoutidian (ie the qoutidian mysteries) as the outer. How peace, prayer, the dream...are qoutidian....

    Peaceful Weekend to you : ) Wendy


Thank you for your thoughts.