
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Purity of heart


To see the best in another,

Ignoring other's flaws,

And acknowledging my own,

Seeking sincerity,

In my own thoughts, words and deeds,

While assuming sincerity in the words, thoughts and deeds of others,

Purity of heart...

Simplifying instead of analysing,

Encouraging instead of criticizing,

Reaching out in friendship to all,

Excepting the imperfections and limitations of both myself and others,

Knowing I can do nothing in myself,

But turn my eyes to the kingdom first.


  1. Oh I am in some weird friendship situations now that make this a good focus.
    Purity of heart.
    Win/win outlook.

  2. Wise words indeed, Suzy.

  3. Something to reach for... or maybe something to wait for, as a gift bestowed.


Thank you for your thoughts.