
Monday, June 02, 2008

Et... Voila!!!

Marie over @ and Lisa @ Are We There Yet? got me all inspired with their self portrait idea.
So away went the dishes today and out with the paints and pens and crayons and pencils and tissue paper, bits n pieces and other random stuff me 'n' my girls found to stick over this rather bad picture of, well, it's supposed to me! Mmmm.
Emmy cut out and glued the flowers with Genesis 1 quotes all over it, Bujana made the orange finger paint flowers and Matilda just helped make a mess really heehee!
It was fun though.
Thanks for the idea Marie and Lisa!


  1. Oh wow, you just did that? Amazing!

  2. That turned out really good! I don't see anything messy at all! Lots of creativity!

  3. WOW! You ladies are so talented..very inspiring..I am SO not artistically gifted heehee..It is a JOY to see others who are Gifted in that area. Thanks for sharing Suzy:) You all did GREAT!

    Peace, JOY & Love to you:)

    Marie xoxooxox

  4. This is very cool...I'm already trying to think of a way to use this in my classroom...

  5. What an artist you are! Is this something you've done in the past much?

  6. Thankyou! Waht sweet comments.
    I have always loved anything creative. I love to paint and draw whenever I get the time. Luckily my girls love it too so we make a mess together :)

  7. I LOVE this, Suzy! I love the color. It's so you, because the girls helped with it, too. That makes it perfect, somehow. (It's funny... I thought I had commented on this DAYS ago.. I must've not hit the right button or something. Sheesh!)_

  8. I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you for your thoughts.