Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Two Little Girls

The baby is eating so much at the moment! she is such a little guzzler. For example this has been her menu so far today: 1 bowl of porridge, a bananna, 1 pot of fromage frais, half a tuna and sweetcorn sandwich, 1 bottle of juice and water and 2 bottles of milk!!! :-0 It's only mid-afternoon! This is more than I've eaten so far. It's so funny how she asks for her food too. She goes Gum gum, gum and pats her tummy :-)

She's catching up with Tilly, in size and development too which I think Tilly is rather indignant about as she keeps reminding us, " me a big girl, der a baba girl okay! "

Whenever "Baba" does anything Tilly feels she has to commentate. She feels especially inclined to comment when she thinks "Baba" is doing something she shouldn't of course. "Me been good girl, but no no no, baba, der been naughty girl Mummy look!"

According to Tilly "Baba" has been a naughty girl rather alot recently, even when "Baba" is not doing very much of anything :-)

Whenever Seraphina (Baba) smiles at Matilda, Matilda says. "Mummy Baba sayn deeeees." Or for those of you unaquainted with "Tilly talk" that'll be "Mummy, the baby is Saying Cheese"

I just know they are growing up so fast. I want to hold onto all these precious, funny, fleeting moments of babyhood as long as I can.


  1. Yes, do!!! All moments slip through our fingers rather quickly. Cherish them . . . cherish them all!

    Even their backsides are adorable!!!!! :)

  2. Jimmy was #4. He had an older sister and two older brothers...all he had to do is point and they would get whatever it was he wanted...Pretty soon we found that because he was getting so much help without talking, he didn't. We all had to stop being such helpers and insist that he tell us what he wanted...That was really very hard. Your daughters are delightful and they talk!!! Do enjoy!!! They are the vision of the gentleness of God!! Cathy

  3. Oh the sweetness of children's words. I did love that time too.

  4. Totally, totally precious : )

  5. All the memories of days like that come flooding back now - cherish is all I can say, Suzy, cherish your little darlings.

  6. Oh, so sweet, so sweet. Don't you wish you could just bottle it? I love watching the children interact with one another, and grow along with each other. Your girls are just too adorable, Suzy!

  7. This is such a great picture because it looks like it could come from any era.

    My son and daughter are similar, he's two years and two months older. As a first child it took him awhile to do things, and Jessamine just picked them up along with him. So I had one kid potty trained at nearly 4 and the other at nearly 2, and the 2 year old talks better than the 4 year old some days. It will be interesting to see what happens with the third one.


Thank you for your thoughts.