
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Peanuts progress

Seraphina is growing so fast! I can't believe that she is a toddler so soon. She still feels like my little bitty baby. She's so funny too. At the moment she keeps kissing everyone and everything. From her own hand to inanimate objects. She kisses pictures of animals in books, she kisses her bears and doll, she kisses her clothes, her food, her bottle, her dummy (soother) or num-a-num as she likes to call it lol :) As you can tell she is very affectionate.

She also nods her head and says yep,yep,yep whenever she's asked a question. Even if she really means no, no, no, like when asked if it would be a good idea for naptime for example.

Another cute thing she does is roar whenever she see's a picture of an animal. Bujana taught her to roar like a lion one day when they were playing and now sheep, pigs, horses even chickens roar heehee!

I just love this big baby stage, it's so adorable. Please don't grow up too fast peanut!


  1. You have such great taste in names. But you knew that.

  2. That is so sweet. I always enjoyed that stage (other than when the tantrums start). Enjoy your kisses and hugs!

  3. They do grow up so fast, Suzy, so my advice to you is enjoy every minute, - these are indeed the special years. Seraphina sounds an absolute delight - sounds like no-one is ever lonely when she's around - or neglected!

  4. I love the name Seraphina and I must say...she is SO cute.

  5. Oh, I just love that stage, too. It doesn't last long enough! They do grow up so fast... I love seeing pictures of the girls and hearing about them! Seraphina looks kissable herself. &:o)

  6. precious!!!


Thank you for your thoughts.