
Friday, July 25, 2008


Said the fox. " This is my secret. It's very simple: we only really see with our hearts. What matters is invisible to the eyes."

"What matters is invisable to the eyes," repeated the little prince, so as not to forget.

The little Prince
Antoine de Saint - Exupery.

This reminded me of a beautiful series of posts over at Holy Experience entitled

The Ugly-Beautiful

Sometimes, I perceive on the frayed edges of myself.
I see with my eyes. I judge, find fault, see ugliness instead of beauty, chaos instead of grace.
I forget to stop, and count, each blessing. I forget to Praise in the rain I forget to be .

When we first moved to our new rented house, in "not such a great neighbourhood" as I thought at the time, all I could see was dissatisfaction. I cleaned and tidied like mad in a desperate attempt to paper over what I thought were external cracks but were in truth internal ones.

Our garden was filled with rubble and weeds yes, and our floor was nothing but bare unvarnished boards, (not funny when you have a crawling wiggling 10 month old!

But we had some angels on our side and a few hard working helpful hands in tow and before we could blink we had turned the concrete rubble into green grass and the gutted house into a home.

Yet, as soon as we had finished I started to write a list about which furniture we would " have to" replace first, ( all our furniture came from a recycling centre,)

Even though it looked fine in reality, Some itching doubt inside me knew it wasn't new and I was seeing with my bad short viewed, narrow visioned eyesight, instead of with a grateful heart.

Things were not "perfect" in my view.

It's so funny to me now looking back.

Because now I am sitting here 4 and a half years on with two more children and a lot more dust, toys, mess and "imperfections" to look at than I ever had before. Yet, strangely, overwhelmingly, I don't see ugliness any more, I don't see imperfection.

I see joy.

I see the expectation of a new day, a new chance to build a memory, a connection. Sow a seed in a little heart.

I see quarrels at times, yes, but I see growing, independent souls behind them instead of disruption and failure.

I see sand speckled like spray paint over the lawn, where the dandelions seem to have gone crazy multiplying and dividing this year! But I don't see untidiness, I see children having fun with a bucket and spade on a Summer afternoon. I see a memory made in the sand. a footprint that was bigger than last year!

I see a memory made in the heart not the eyes. In love not judgement.

I see books piled up on the children's bedroom floor yes, but I don't see a lack of discipline ( well not to much anyway! I see creativity and children who love to read willingly and gladly!

My vision has shifted.

From my eyes to my heart.

And as I sit here I think of how many blind people Jesus cured. And I know that every time I "see" truthfully. Every time I see the beautiful in the "ugly" and the grace instead of the "chaos" I know it is Jesus who is wiping my eyes with his own hand, with his own truth.

And tears come to my own eyes as I realise that though "I was blind, now I see."


  1. Wow. This was very beautiful...just what I needed as lately I haven't been looking with my heart. Thanks for sharing these thoughts; I'll carry them with me all through today.


  2. beautiful.

    my perfectionist self is nodding *yes, yes* to your story. cultivating gratitude is the only cure for that!

    thanks for the wonderful reminder and testimony.

    tonia (studyinbrown)

  3. oh wow...this struck me right between the eyes...

    thank you for sharing.

    As tonia said, my perfectionist self curled inward as I read. Thank heavens there is a Cure. Since I've started the endless gifts list it's blown me away how my perspective has changed already.

  4. This is lovely, Suzy, and a real eye-opener!

  5. I know what you mean! When Brad and I got our first place I insisted on having new furniture and such because I'd grown up with shabby stuff and never wanted that myself. Five years later, I don't own a dang thing that isn't second-hand or somehow shabby, but I'm happier with it than I was with the new stuff. We've learned in the intervening years how little these things mean, and now it makes me happy to know that I'm not tied to my things. As long as I have my family I'm good.

  6. What beautiful words and so very encouraging. I needed a reminder like this today.

    I found you from my sister's blog (study in brown) and I'm so glad I did.

    What a beautiful family you have!

  7. Beautiful words.

    By the way, I am always learning something new from The Little Prince :-)

  8. jkcjcmfThank-you, Suzy. I needed to read this today. I'm so glad you're out here. Your blog and your insights are always such a lovely oasis ~ to the eyes and the heart.

  9. Blessings - reading this was a moment of encouragement for me today. May God destroy all the complaining thoughts and actions that keep us from living in a spirit of gratitude and joy in this moment and circumstance. I followed your comment back from mine (mom to 9 so far- that's me)- d

  10. Thanks for your comment Dorothy :0)
    And welcome to my little out of the way place :0)
    Have a great day



  11. Welcome Joy.

    How lovely to "see" you :0)
    Your blog is such a peaceful spot. I love to visit.
    Thanks for taking the time to stop by my little out of the way place :0)


  12. Lovely.

    Reminds me a little of Ann Voskamp's recent post "Choose the View." (at

    We really can, for the most part, choose what we see. And I love what you see and how you've passed it on in this quiet place.

  13. Beautiful, touching, brutally honest, and spiritually refreshing! Thanks for sharing 'cuz I've been feeling a little "visually impaired" myself lately! Blessings to you!

  14. Welcome Andrea.
    Lovely to "see" you here :0)
    Thanks so much for your sweet comment.


Thank you for your thoughts.