
Saturday, July 05, 2008

Where I'm from...

Emmy wrote this poem a little while back, inspired by Lisa @ Are We There Yet and this format found here.

Where I am From...

I am from music,

from loud and soft

I am from the first sun shine of spring,

I am from the daffodils,

the triuphant.

I am from Christianity and trust,

from lilies and light.

I am from the gentle and loving arms of my mother

from angels watching and love that is everything.

I am from the father and the holy spirit,

the holy water and the cross.

I'm from a sea that crashes against the rocks

and echoes a song in abandoned shells

I am from apples of the orchard and olives of the grove,

of green rolling hills and mountians of red dust.

English winters and Balkan summers.

I am from pilgrims crossing the plains of a new world

settling when the sun finds it's rest,

at the days end.

From the stories of Albainian rivers.

I've been told of my father as a boy,

diving in fresh water as cold as ice but as clean as the side of a diamond.

I am from pictures of my sisters Bujana, Matilda and Seraphina.

pictures of relatives in far of countries.

Everyone of them as special as the other,

They are as much to me as roses seen blossoming in the snow.
(Side note "from lillies and light" is a referance to the meanings of our names, Suzy means lilly and Dritan means light.)


  1. What a wonderful poem your daughter wrote!!

    I often think this poem would be beautiful put to music . . . doesn't your husband play the guitar?

  2. Endearing, beautiful, innocent, full of tenderness and LOVE!! Thank you for sending me off to Mass with such a visual look in to the eyes of a "child of God'! Cathy

  3. Oh Suzy this is so beautiful : ) What a precious daughter you have, and what a beautiful life youy have given her....

    Peaceful week to you : ) Wendy

  4. Oh, Emmy, this is wonderful! We especially like these lines: >>I'm from a sea that crashes against the rocks
    and echoes a song in abandoned shells<<
    >>From the stories of Albainian rivers.
    I've been told of my father as a boy,
    diving in fresh water as cold as ice but as clean as the side of a diamond<<
    But, it's all just perfect! LOVE the picture, too! I wish you and Michelle could meet each other!

  5. I often try to imagine the charmed atmosphere in your home.
    Your children are blessed by their parent's love.

    Where are you from?...

    Are you from the land of love, near the ocean named devotion? the river that drone your field is friendship and in your garden blooms the flowers of generosity?

    Where is this land?

    A hug for your poet! I'm impressed of her talent and looking forward for the next poem.

  6. Emmy has a great talent Suzy. What a wonderful poem.


Thank you for your thoughts.