
Sunday, October 05, 2008


"Simply whisper the name of Jesus, all throughout the day, remind Him of how much you love Him, thank Him for the day, no matter what kind of day that your having. Rediscover that bond of love and joy and peace that comes simply by being in His presence. When you do this brothers and sisters, your prayer life will change dramatically, but not only your prayer life, your life itself. For when we walk in continual prayer we begin to see the beauty of the Lord everywhere. If it rains, we see His beauty in the raindrops, if the sun shines we see His beauty as the flowers turn themselves around to face the glory of the Son. If it is cloudy we see his beauty break through the clouds in beams of light that remind us that despite the momentary darkness, He is not finished with us and that His light is ready to break through."
Frank McEleny


  1. This reminds me of when I was Italy and fields upon fields of sunflowers turned in one direction to face the sun - and in the early mornings all had their heads down as if asleep.

  2. This is a beautiful posts! Thank you for sharing this.

  3. I love this. This is how I try to live and view life. Every moment loving Him and His presence in and through all things.

  4. What a beautiful inspiration, Suzy. Thank-you!

  5. 'Simply whisper'.... that is very inspirational. Thank you.


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