
Friday, November 14, 2008

Blessed be your Name

And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.(Isaiah 35:10)
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.(Isaiah 55:12)
Sometimes I look at my life and I feel so overwhelmed. How did I get to be so blessed?
Everyday is filled with grace in some way or other. Yes, there are struggles and tears and trials amoungst the joys and wonders but there are gifts.... Hope, Faith and Love! Transforming and transfiguring all into a song of praise!
Praise that finds a voice to sing with even when the tears sting and the heart aches. Still and silent. A waiting praise where hope flickers once more from the dowsed embers. The ashes of all sorrow. A flame of Love brought to life by the oxygen of a faith in something greater, and more wonderful than we may ever behold. And there is beauty here.
For the whispers of clouds Bring grace and blessing in abundance. And behind them the sun still shines on and on.
All is written by His hand. All is planned " Every hair is numbered" and peace dwells in the sanctuary of His word, that formed the beautiful world, His breath that gives life to all, the children's smiles, the eucharist, the sun that rises in the morning.
There are times when life is really full and bursting at the seams... it seems! Yet droplets of joy sparkle across the whole picture, right to the frayed edges and muddy clots of running colour.
Droplets like Moments, intermissions, silences, pauses, undulations, cadences punctuating the movements of life.
And I think of this song : ( remember toturn off the blog music at the bottom of the sidebar to hear the clip :0)

For life is like a poem.
And my poem is a Poem of Praise. The hope, the mess, the crazziness, the tears, the fears, the wonder, the joy. Blessings. In. Abundance.
And I give Thanks.
Beautiful girls enjoying their books before getting ready for bed.
A new composition on a Sunday afternoon.
Trying so hard with her little wooden needles and ball of moss green wool :0)
These two are best friends :0)
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And one funny little baby girl who keeps trying to take a ride on her toy cars, and trains and .... now it looks like it's this poor caterpillar's turn :0)


  1. You are so right on, we are all so blessed. Your children are adorable!! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Oh, it's good to have you back. Lovely, beautiful post.

  3. The scriptures bring great hope. Thank you!!

  4. Simply beautiful! You are all tenderness and love! Thank you! Cathy

  5. Just love the pictures of the girls and the beautiful thoughts that accompany them. You are so blessed! And we're blessed to be able to come "visit" with you.

  6. Such joy brings tears of happiness.

    Thank you, beautiful soul.


Thank you for your thoughts.