Monday, December 08, 2008

Days of Winter

I was hoping to upload these a couple of days back but we have all been suffering the effects of winter coughs 'n' colds and other ugly bugs!) So we have been spending time watching far to many family christmas movies for our own good and drinking down lots of honey and lemon tea ( we've gone through three jars!!! over the last couple of weeks.
Anyway as they say a picture ( or ten) speaks a thousand words and as I've pretty much lost my voice anyway I'm liking the sound of silence right now :0)
Peace and Blessings to all :0)


  1. Wow...I'm so honored that you offered such a cheery hello at my site! Thank you for your visit.

    Your blog is stunning in its beauty, thought, and simplicity.

  2. Beautiful as ever. The countryside looks just like Kent where I live.

  3. Fantastic images! Hope you're fit for the season. Blessings :)

  4. I so love seeing pictures of the girls and the beautiful place you live, Suzy! You are such a talented photographer! And you have such wonderful subjects!

  5. Lovely pictures! They capture the season so well. I hope you're all on the mend now! Blessings for a wonderful weekend!

  6. These pictures are beauties!


Thank you for your thoughts.