
Friday, December 12, 2008

My Gift

What gift can I bring you Lord,
My hands are empty.

Yet, still I search,
the darkness of this night,
My hand pressed upon,
the frost bitten glass.

My gift melts upon these
fingertips as flakes
of snow,

It folds,
Into the earth
As a sodden leaf.
Once golden brilliance
upon the gilded branch,
Of another time.

These words that I offer are,
But a child's prayer,
For anything more is too wonderful for me,

to grasp,
and hold, wrap up,
and keep.
In shiny paper, or a musical box,

Or make,
Or own,
Or know.

Maybe you want no other gift,
But these empty hands of mine.

Cold and frozen
as they are,
You do not flinch,
from their touch.

I hear
Your voice in the soft breath of
dawn light,
The first stirring
of a sleeping babe.

In the vapor
of mist that rises,
From the water's edge,
I hear...

You say, You say

Hold out your
empty hands my child.
They are a gift,
your empty hands.

For only empty hands can
Cradle the babe,
Take mine in theirs to
follow my way.

Recieve the nails,
and cup
the Host,

my Love,

Your hands

All that I need,
Unwrapped, unclothed
Your poverty,

Your gift to me.

Your gift to me.


  1. This is beautiful and so deep! I loved it.

  2. Such beautiful words from your heart! Thank you for sharing it!

  3. Oh, wow. This is wonderful! I always know where to come for a breath of heaven, Suzy! (And, because this is true... &;o) I have something waiting for you over at my place...)

  4. Mummy you are soooo talented I hope that when I am grown up I am just like you. You are my inspiration.


Thank you for your thoughts.