
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Notes to self...

Seek holiness only that it may make you more real, transparent and loving to others,

Remember truth is only revealed to little children. Imperfect as they are they have the heart soil of deep emotion, sympathy, eagerness for friendship, trust, a simple soul, persistence and endless, boundless hope in whatever circumstances they find themselves in.

Search out beauty, and FIND IT. Even in the stains of life God breathes His love.

Don't be afraid of other's kindness. Be the child you were before your heart was broken by life. Fearlessly embrace every trace of goodness that comes your way.

God sees the heart, think only good of others, think their intentions pure every time.

At the end of the day all that really matters is what He knows of your heart. What other's may or may not think is not important.

Stay silent for a time and listen to His voice at some point each and every day.

Make life an on going creation. Make life a poem, a song, a painting. See the colours.

Take joy from the simple things.

Know that suffering, frustration, loneliness, discomfort and longing only draw us closer.

Know that joy, wonderment, being in love, peace and thankfulness only draw us closer.

Don't put barriers between ideas, things, people, places. Seek oneness.

Do something to reach out in Love to someone outside your home at least once a day.