
Monday, July 27, 2009

Infused Memory...

A child stands
upon a chair beside me.

Water splashes memory across
linen and white cotton.

As the morning light
infuses sheets upon the line
Bay and rosemary infuse
through muslin nests
of ladeled warmth
upon the stove.

Sunlight ebbs and flows
reflections from copper,
steel, wood and clay.

Raw materials unrefined.
Residues of older days
rebound from the walls of other rooms
once played in, worked in, slept in...

Yet, somehow, we only knew of true content
in the room from which
we ate.

In the place of sharing, praying, drawing
we learned the basics of living.

A table,
hands passing round

those cotton threads
hemming pieces of fabric.

Meaning, memory, childhood
infused within the tastes,
smells and textures.

Here, hands deep in suds,
flavours of a memory
tiptoed upon
a chair beside me
there is a child
who remembers.

The morning light
of water splashing memory across
transparent, heavenly,
domestic white linen.

All the while

peelings for composting.

Photo credit 3rd foundation