
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Simple Love

+ The Flowers Being Warmed + by florian.b. 

 To love like a child. There's not much pure, vulnerable, childlike love in the world it seems. Yet maybe those that do open their hearts to love in this way, live in this way even, actually hold the broken pieces we do have together... We have so much to learn from children like Ashley's sister. Children don't over-complicate. They are simple, genuine, they are loyal, trusting and eager to reach out to both give and receive love. We try to find the origins to every word, turn ourselves inside out to distract ourselves from the real work of falling into Jesus's arms and loving others as he loves us. Loving when it's hard, loving when it's messy, loving when it hurts. Not giving up. Because He never gives up on us. It's not about who's wrong and who's right. It's about Jesus. And he keeps it simple, he says, it all begins and ends with love. That's the narrow road. Photo Credit florian.b