
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

When the Spirit is upon us....

Yesterday my little girl Emmy became an adult in the church. She got confirmed! How the tears welled up from my heart, happy tears, till all they could do was roll themselves unselfconciously down my cheeks... My Father who is very ill made it somehow and what beauty came from that. He had tears in his eyes too. I caught them before he noticed. The air truly trembled with the breath of the holy spirit within the church. Joy in abundance! What a wonderful thing to witness! The Bishop spoke about what it means to truly live with the spirit in your life. He said, that the way we can best "be" Jesus in the world and give Jesus to others is to truly and authentically be ourselves. Having fidelity to our true nature and the places it leads us. I remember, years ago, thinking identity was like another layer, something you "put on". Maybe it was a collage made up of pieces of the people you most admired. Maybe it was a front that protected your heart from being broken by the world. Maybe it was following the rules that help you become popular in school. Or the value you got from being especially good at something. Maybe, sometimes, it just came down to a new dress and a coat of bright red lipstick. But those are just billboards. True identity is all about taking the layers off one by one. Becoming at one with your true life, the life hidden in Christ. The real true you! The you that fragments into others till you can feel their pain, forget to judge, understand and forgive their sin as you need them to yours. The fragments that turn you into a piece of a bigger picture. A body that goes out from itself again into the world to love and be loved. To fall apart again and to be healed. When the Holy Spirit touches us, no more do we belong to ourselves, but to something eternal. And now my child, my dear Emmy (emmanuelle - "God with us") goes out into the world her heart forever changed, enlarged, anointed, and beating now not only for her own life but for His too.


  1. Found you through Ann. Just lovely, your blog.

  2. Thank you Amy :)

  3. Congratulations to your daughter on her Confirmation. And thanks for sharing your post.

  4. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Fragments...what an incredible picture I have received here today. Those pieces that do so much and then are no longer fragments but the whole of Jesus in me. Praising God for your Emmy and the meaning of her confirmation made visible for me through your words.
    ~ linda

  5. Thank you Rosario :)

    Bless you Linda. your words, encourage so :)

  6. Oh, many wonderful congratulations to Emmy. I will pray for her xx

  7. Thank you Autumn xx

  8. so much wisdom here...
    what you share about our evolution...
    children of God...
    the image of the Savior in our countenance.

    a life long quest.


Thank you for your thoughts.