
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Let us Listen...

"Let us listen for the Lord’s voice, so that we can reach his place of rest."

~ from morning prayers


  1. Oh my, how beautiful the picture you have chosen this morning. Tranquility and peace is what it offers to me. Thank you! Cathy

  2. Bounced over from HCB!

    I just love the picture in your header! Did you take it? Oh, so precious!

  3. Yes I did Amy! Thank you so much for your sweet compliment.
    Much appreciated.

  4. Your pictures are beautiful and what an encouragement... it is my heart's cry to continually hear Him as He says 'this is the way, walk in it'

    Thank you :)

    I really appreciate & enjoy the titles of your blogs. The titles themselves bring me to His feet as I am thankful for how The Creator has blessed you with His creativity.
    I can't imagine how organized you must be to manage four blogs so beautifully and fully and still remember the importance of "Leaving the computer now to follow that voice that reminds me of what will really matter in the end."
    He is amazing; and He is amazing in and through you :}


Thank you for your thoughts.