
Sunday, October 12, 2014


" For once in my life I felt no compulsion to lose myself; I was totally content just to be. Simply to take part in the natural order of the day, to observe the sunrise, clouds, sky, weather, and sunset, was enough to make a liturgical progression of the day. 
The sunsets were especially compelling; it took a good four hours to watch the sun begin it's decline, drop below the horizon, and give way to the night, which came seeping up from the deep valleys. Full, dark and glorious, with it's stars, changing of the moon, and the northern lights. At full moon I was so identified with the animal life around me I could not sleep. The entire forest was awake with it's nocturnal energy, and I made my way back in evolution to the time before the disaster of the Garden of Eden. During those nights I was out of time and not subject to self-conscious suffering of fallen humankind. The animals taught me, and I was made humble and safe."

Extract from "Balancing Heaven and Earth" - Robert a. Johnson  


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