Sunday, January 27, 2008

99 balloons

This is very special.
99 Balloons.
A truly humbling story.


  1. Wiping away tears, Suzy. So touching. Thanks for sharing this! (Got another little surprise for you over at AWTY...)

  2. Of course you know I'm crying... but they are happy tears... because a life celebrated is a life well lived... Blessings to you and Little Elliot and his mom and dad... hugs, Mary

  3. When I cried, and I did, I wondered at the grace and courage of the Mom and Dad and the dignity of life that they offered us all through Eliot. Thanks Be to God!

  4. Elliots life is such a testimony to the true value of life. There are a couple of other videos about babies with trisomy 18.


Thank you for your thoughts.