
Friday, July 27, 2007

Simply Loving first

Tradition suggests that the Portrait of Love given by St Paul (1Corinthians13: 4-13) is a description of Jesus himself.
I love it so much.

"Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offence, and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other peoples sins but delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes."

How wonderful it would be if love was the prefix of all ours thoughts toward others. If we simply loved first. If we felt love before we apraised a person's appearance or demeanor.

When it comes to my children I have to check myself at times. Am I connecting with them before I critisize. Do I notice the unwashed faces, uncombed hair and jeans smeared with grass stains before I notice them. Their hearts, their thoughts, thier perspective, their intentions.
Am I loving them first.

Love is fluid, able to find it's way through the smallest gaps like sunlight through a crack in the curtain which penetrates a whole room with quivering light.

Some people have quite a harsh, austere or aloof exterior that can be hard to penetrate. But once offered kindness most people quickly discard their outer defences.
Often it is only the preconceived ideas we have about people that prevent us from loving them without restraint.

Equally, when love is the initiator of action, it can offer us so much extra strength, purpose and grace. It becomes the wind in our sails, propelling us onward towards through difficulty, trial, pain and grief. I've often realised how much more joy I get from serving others when I do it in a true spirit of love rather than duty.

If love flows through us, the spirit flows through us too. Love is like pure water, rinsing our eyes with clarity. Flowing freely, seeping into every dark corner, every tiny space.


  1. You are right SuzyQ. Love open the door of our souls.
    I'm sad sometimes because when I come with open heart and hands, there are some people who are so defensive and who are not accustomed with this kind of relation and they are not able to receive my feelings. They are afraid to let me in their universe.
    In this case, I think my love is useless .What do you think?

  2. "Love opens the door of our souls" What a beautiful quote, Thankyou for sharing it:)
    Giving love is never useless:) I always feel sorry when people put barriers between themselves and others, often it's those who find it hard to trust that need the gift of love most of all.
    Thankyou for your comment sma
    Blessings to you.


Thank you for your thoughts.