
Friday, July 27, 2007

Priceless Gifts

I was talking with some friends over dinner recently about that ever popular question: What would you do if you won the lottery? Everybody gave similar answers: a percentage for charity, a percentage toward their children's future, a percentage for themselves, a percentage for friends and loved ones.

It seems like a dream, to win the lottory and never have to worry about your future finances ever again!

I would certainly love to give back to those who have given so geneourously in acts of service to me. In fact I have often thought about the fun I'd have sending anonymous cheques to those wonderful people in my life whom I owe so much.

However, the more I contemplated the actual truth behind the fact, the more I started to realise how much I would also want just for myself. How easy it would be to bit by bit pad out my exsisitence. A quick cab ride here, a new wardrobe there, a quick trip... anywhere...whenever, whatever, however!

Mmm... I guess God knows how to protect me from myself and loves me enough never to let me win the lottery hey!

After searching a little deeper I found that I actually come to a completly different conclusion in answer to the initial question.
Maybe, the deepest part of me dosen't actually want to attain a huge ammount of wealth.
If I suddenly came into alot of money I would never have to trust in providence again.
If all aspects of my life were completly secured, if all my bases were covered, if I new whatever I chose to do whether it be right or wrong, everything would work out just fine in the end, I would never have to trust God to lead me every step of the way, from day to day, hour to hour, moment to moment.

If all I had to worry about was pleasing myself I could wander away all on my own.

Maybe I'd see alot of places and meet alot of people along that way but at the end of the road would I find an eternal pathway ahead of me?

We are not made to walk alone. We are not made to be isolated. God calls us to him individually so that we can be united with him. So that we may become part of something much greater and more infinate than the small fragment of our own life.

It's so natural to want security, whether it be financial, emotional or physical. But the truth is that every day is a gift, every hour is a gift and every moment is a gift.

From the moment I gave myself and my life to Christ he has called me more and more to choose a life that makes me totally reliant upon HIM. The further along the road I go, the more I realise I would be lost without him.

In the end, the things I've found along that journey are priceless and I wouldn't care to trade them.


  1. Hi SusyQ. Thanks for visiting my blog. You have some beautiful thoughts and photos. I'll be back again. PS Have you come across Some great shots here! God bless.

  2. THankyou for your kind comments Mike.
    Suzy :)

  3. SuzyQ, (we used to call my sister that), I love what you said about your life in Christ and also this: "But the truth is that every day is a gift, every hour is a gift and every moment is a gift." May I keep remembering that myself. You have a beautiful blog and beautiful faith. Peace and grace be with you.

  4. I've heard a saying that says, "The more money and power people have, the less they think they need God". I think this is true in many cases. I personally know of some people who came into money and did absolutely forget God. They don't even attend church anymore. A real shame.

    You have a beautiful blog!


Thank you for your thoughts.