
Monday, August 20, 2007

A few of my Favourite Things

Here's a fun idea borrowed from Amy's fabulous retro blog
A few of my favourite things

mmm let’s see, ..ooooh I know...

An uninterupted cup of earl grey after a sunday morning lie in. ( if only :0) sigh...
A nice glass of red wine on a beautiful summer evening,
Flower print dresses,
Sunlight glinting through the branches of trees,
Handmade knitted cardigans on babies and children,
Autumn leaves,
The sound of the sea.
Country cottages with roses round the door,
The sound of children’s laughter,
Stain glass windows in old churchs,
A smile from a stranger in the street,
Old fashioned dressing tables,
Handsewn quilts,
The sky reflected in muddy puddles,
Candlelight and hot chocolate in the wintertime,
Gingham picnic blankets, dappled grass and lemonade in the Summertime.
So what are your favourite things???


  1. wow -i can so identify with your favorites! isn't life beautiful?!

  2. ooh I love your list of favourite things, I'd love to make quilts but my sewing machine needs fixing, oh well...:-)

  3. What a nice list. I like many of the same. I posted a list of mine over at my site. Have a great day!

  4. Thankyou so much for your taking the time to visit my blog Jaki :0)
    Yes life sure is beautiful, have a great day:0)

  5. Hi Amy,
    Great post idea , hope you didn't mind me "borrowing" it.
    Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment:0)
    Have a wonderful day.

  6. Hi Lisa,
    Thankyou so much for your comment. I shall take a little trip over to your blog I think to have a nosey at your list;0)
    Have a lovely day.


Thank you for your thoughts.