
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A note to my friends "outthere"

As a new term at uni is just about to commence, (my books arrived yesterday) and the children will be returning to school, dear husband to work. I shall only be making weekly posts from now on. I'll certainly continue to visit my favourite online haunts however:0) There are so many great writers out in blogland and I feel privallged to have "met" them and read their wonderful words:0)


  1. I'll be blogging a little less too. September means school for my son and work for me..but like you, Suzy, I'll still be looking in on others' blogs and updating mine - probably weekly. Good luck with the study.

  2. Suzy, I'll continue to visit and even check out your archives! Hope you have a successful time of study and fruitful period of time with family!

  3. Thankyou so much both of you :0D

  4. wish you all the best/success in all you do...
    Godbless you

  5. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Good luck Suzy. I love your latest post, by the way. We'll just have to see each other when we see each other. Take care. R

  6. I'll miss your posts. Please don't stop altogether. Your blog is a peaceful oasis.

  7. Aww thankyou guys you are all so sweet.
    I plan on posting at least weekly. Probably Sunday evenings (when the children are all in bed ):0) As it's the quietest time.
    Sending many blessings to you all :0)

  8. Blessings and much success
    in this new season
    for you and your family.


  9. THankyou so much violent love:0)
    Sending blessings your way


Thank you for your thoughts.