Thursday, September 13, 2007

Two little Friends

My 1 year old loves her little baby sister so much. It fills my heart with joy to see how gentle and sweet she is with her.

Two babies together, one a pudding, the other, pocket size :0)

Both of them laid so quiet and still (two words which don't often apply to either of them for very long:0) on my bed with me this evening!

Cuddled up with a song and a bundle of pillows and blankies.

My 1 year old's eyes are a soft turquise colour, the baby's brown slate.

It makes my heart smile to see how they gaze at eachother deeply almost as if they can read the other's thoughts.

Daydreams and lullabies took them to the land of nod while the sun set softly behind the trees outside our window.

Accompanied by small expressions of affection, gestures of love. Wet kisses, patted heads, teased hair, hands held.

Two little friends, together.


  1. Suzy, I hope you keep this picture you,ve painted so beautifully with words and show it to them when they're old enough to appreciate it. Right now they sound adorably cute and cuddly.

  2. I hope to create scrapbooks for each of them with stories, poems and pictures of their childhoods as keepsakes, (When I get a little more time to spare ;0)
    I want to remeber every precious detail. Time just goes by so fast:0)

  3. So precious! Doesn't that just warm the heart! Makes all the rough times worth it to experience that!

  4. THankyou Lisa.
    Great to "see" you.
    Have a wonderful day:0)


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