Friday, October 19, 2007


I do not ask that I may steer
My peaceful bark by peaceful shores alone,
Nor that I linger, harbor-bound,
And sail no stormy seas unknown;
I only ask this boon of Thee:
Be ever in the ship with me.

I do not ask that I may dwell
From din of battle far removed,
Nor ever feel temptation's force,
Nor ever know mine armor proved;
I only ask, through Life's long fight,
Grant me the power of Thy might.

I do not ask, that I may walk
Only on smoothly trodden grass,
Nor ever climb the mountain's height
And trembling, through its dangers pass;
I only ask, on rocks or sand,
The sure upholding of Thy hand.

I dare not pray for any gift
Upon my pilgrim path to Heaven;
I only ask one thing of Thee:
Give Thou Thyself and all is given.
I am not strong not brave nor wise;
Be Thou with me - it shall suffice.

-Annie Johnson Flint

(borrowed from the wonderful and inspirational


  1. A noble prayer! May I have the grace to pray it.

  2. Thanks, Suzy, for this which expresses so much. I'll go and visit holyexperiences now.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oops, deleted by me for a misspelling. A homeschool Mom can't be found misspelling in public! What I said was that this is another truly beautiful and inspiring post, and another in a series of answers to a prayer of mine. Thanks for being a messenger, Suzie. &:o)

  5. I just wrote about 'Why I stayed'within the Catholic Church. This poem put's it much better than my own words.

    I will copy it and keep it.

    Thanks Suzy:)

    God bless you always.



Thank you for your thoughts.