
Thursday, September 04, 2008

A Memory a Moment

God gave us memories that we might have roses in December. ~J.M. Barrie, Courage, 1922

Some little things that blossom all year round...

*Smiles…. lot’s of them, :-D

*Cuddles, (((((())))))

*Kind and gently spoken words,

*Eye contact ,

*Stories, books, songs,


*Finger painting

*Sharing laughter

* Soothing tears

* Sharing a story

* Making popcorn and watching the sunset.

*Lighting a candle and saying a prayer,

*Making up a song from scratch.

* Building a board game

*Exploring, walking, searching for treasure, having adventures!

*In-between moments for all to pause…. (and listen)

Memories are made of nothing but one little brushstroke at a time, put together to make a picture.

A kind word, gentleness and a smile all help to build the fabric of child's world. Each interaction paints a colour on a piece of white canvas.

More than all the toys in the world or anything that can be bought, kindness, gentleness and a simple smile or touch are what make memories beautiful.

Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things. ~Pierce Harris, Atlanta Journal


  1. Oh my goodness! How wonderful. This is a GRAND post! Thank you!! Cathy

  2. Wonderful thoughts. It's those things that matter in the end and the sooner we realise the better. Thanks!


Thank you for your thoughts.