
Friday, September 05, 2008


It all started with teaspoons!

This morning I realised that finally we had a drawer full of them.

Tani had gone to the shop after work to pick some up as somehow we had run out ( do teaspoons go to the same black hole that matching socks and hair ties do ?) and we had resorted to using the children's plastic play spoons (blush)

When I saw the drawer full of new shiny spoons it just felt so abundant! Positively opulent!

I started writing my gratitude journal a while back now, inspired by Ann over at Holy Experience 's Gratitude Community.

In the beginning when I actually sat down to put all I felt grateful for on to paper it started with the big things. Food, Shelter, Clean Water, Health, A Happy Family.

I'm more than aware that there are too many people who survive without many of these things, some with just a little. I am grateful that I have these basic provisions right now.

As time has gone on however I have found that my list has increased, I can hardly stop thinking of things to write down. And it's not just the big things that I am inspired to praise God in thanksgiving for.

The smallest details of life have imprinted themselves, come out into relief, been brought into focus.

The way light shines on a child's face, sparkles on the dewy grass.

The glorious mess of an unmade bed after an afternoon nap.

Freckles that have risen like bubbles to the surface of my four year olds face this Summer.

The smell of tomatoes ripening in the garden.

The wonder Tilly has at every little insect and bug she finds.

The way peanut imitates every little thing Tilly does.

Soft socks,

And yes.... teaspoons!

Gratitude is an amazing thing. by changing our perspective we also change our vision, we change what we see and how we see it. Radically it may lead to a change in what we experience and how we experience it...

"She had chosen a journey towards God's destination. To his invitation, "Come," she had stepped out along the way, and already the sights and sounds were smelling, tasting, feeling new, even those which would once have seemed mundane and commonplace."

"On the Way to Bethlehem" Hilary McDowell.


  1. Taking delight in the small things - how lovely, and how appreciative we become of everything and everybody God blesses our lives and world with.
    Thanks, Suzy,God bless you and yours.

  2. Thank you for this reminder that gratitude is a HABIT and highly worth cultivating.

  3. My gratitude journey began as a discipline and became the breath I need to truly live. Nothing inspires me more than hearing the praises of others lifted to our good and faithful God. Thank you for continuing to share.

  4. I've really been finding my gratitude journal as much a blessing as remembering the blessings themselves. I love looking back through the list! I especially nodded at this one of yours: "The glorious mess of an unmade bed after an afternoon nap." I've really needed them lately, and somehow everyday it has worked out so that I can. Thanks for sharing some of your gratitude list!

  5. Beautiful, Suzy. And, you know what? What we have that same teaspoon dilemma, except lately it's butter knives, too! What is that all about? But, I know exactly how you feel about having a drawerful. And about freckles, and dimples, and clean laundry on the line... You are in my gratitude journal today. &:o)

  6. "O Lord my God, I will give thanks to thee forever." (Psalms 30:12)

    Hooray for teaspoons!

  7. You know, when my kids were little, I was convinced they threw the silverware away so they didn't have to wash it...I'd go through the trash and never find any...(they can be very resourceful) Well, they finally learned that if they through it away, I buy more...a never ending circle. Well, we got a dishwasher and amazingly we didn't lose any more.

    Many thanks...for a memory of my children for which I am grateful and an opportunity for me to laugh at myself...And Thanks be to God!! Cathy

  8. I have never done a gratitude journal...Last week I was sitting here tapping away at my keyboard when my room was lit up with a rosy hued sunset and I just had to leave go outside, raise my arms and say THANKYOU LORD!....It is those moments of God's Glory that we miss.....Beautiful reflection thankyou Susie and I will think about keeping a journal:).

    Peace and love to you:)

    Marie xooxox

  9. Isn't this the truth? I have found the same in my own life, in sowing seeds of thankfulness, you reap a harvest of happiness, and more gratitude abounds. I had to smile when I was bubbling over with thankfulness for ooey, gooey black mud this past spring, just because it was part and parcel with spring =D


Thank you for your thoughts.