
Friday, November 09, 2007

Precious Moments

"Life is not measured by the breaths we take,

but by the moments that take our breath."

May every moment inhale life deeply.

Take the time to stop and stare and watch clouds fray the edges of the horizon.

Over spill with the wonder

and beauty of each single, stilled, second.

Silenced by the fragile, bare branches of winter trees engraving, the distant evening sky.

Painting patterns over the tidy white spaces,

Turning the prose of life into poetry.
Hearing a song in the silence.

Dancing beneath the falling leaves.

The way my little ones hair curls around her ear.

The imperfect stitches of a homemade gift.

The warmth of a coat on a cold winter day.

Bubblebath footprints whispering sofly on the carpet.

A child to small to speak holding her hands in prayer.

The curled pages of a well loved book.

A baby smiling in her sleep :0)

Let me remember to unwrap every moment like the precious gift it is


  1. that's so beautiful thanks!!

  2. Truly inspired...I can attest to witnessing the glory of God in just this morning's adventure...There is Glory in every moment!!! Thank you!

  3. Great thoughts. That takes discipline for me.

  4. Beautiful images, Suzy...the voice of experience in every line....I loved the whispering bubble bath prints!

  5. That is so touching to me. Your words speak to the heart.
    I have a new post called Alone.


Thank you for your thoughts.