
Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Naughty Corner

My husband and I were talking about how different only children are from later arrivals in the family.
I remember how quiet and placid my eldest daughter was. She was our world for 5 years before our second daughter came along and since then we've had two more in quick succession. The more children there are, and the closer in age they are, the feistier they become that is for sure!
My one year old has started to show the feisty side of her character more recently!
She is such a sweetheart, a real butterball. Chubby, cute and cuddly as a teddy bear but boy do we know it when things aren't ( how to put it) going her way shall we say :0).
Last week she paid her first visit to the " naughty corner". This has always worked very well in our house. My kids love to be a part of everything that's going on and being taken away from the action is just about the end for them!
Well little girl number three always seems to want the exact toy her sister is playing with even in a roomful of toys a nursery would be proud of! So off she went to the "naughty corner" head held low, face blotched and smudged with tears.
Her way of showing she's sorry is so cute. She lowers her head says's ahhh and gives kisses on the cheek. So anyway, after she had contemplated her behaviour for a little while and said her sorry she came back to play "nicely" :0) with her sister . Of course it wasn't long before their was another "toy dispute".
"Here" I saw her older sister say as she offered her a small piece of Lego in exchange for the coveted toy she wanted for herself.
Needless to say, once the trade was made and she realised she had been duped she was not happy at all and tried to find a way of retrieving her toy.
However she remembered it was wrong to grab because as soon as she went for it she looked straight at me with a look that could not be described as anything but complete resignation to her fate.
She gave a big sigh, pouted a little, gave the toy right back to her sister and toddled over to sit herself down in the "naughty corner".
I couldn't believe it!
I didn't know whether to be cross she was naughty again or pleased she was being so self disciplined already:0)!


  1. Children are gifts that do learn, but are also great teachers. When my David was about three, and was caught in the act of something he knew was not right, I would ask, "Why did you do that?" He would answer, "Because." Of course I would reply, "'Because' is not a reason." After about three or four encounters of the same kind, he replied, "' not a reason." Of course I got not reason, but I LEARNED not to ask WHY(?). God bless you!! You bring back so many grand memories!!

  2. Ah! It's so great when they start to understand! Not always, but it let's us enjoy a moment when we see some hope after all our attempts at teaching them.
    Bless you!

  3. She's figuring it out! What a good girl! The only bad thing about that is now you can't say she doesn't know better... &:o)But such is life, huh? They're little for such a short time!

  4. That's so cute how she went to the corner all by herself! My two year old is much the same. She evens says, "no,no,no", right before she does something she is not allowed to do. She tells on herself. It's very endearing watching them master self control.


Thank you for your thoughts.