
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

This blog will be "unplugged" for lent.

" Lord that I may see!"

Give me light to see you in my even - Christian,
and to see my even - Christian in you.
Give me faith to recognise you
in those under my own roof.
In those who are with me day after day,
on the way of the cross.
Let me recognise you
not only in saints and martyrs,
in the innocence of children,
in the patience of old people
waiting quietly for death.
In the splendour of those
who die for fellow men;
but let me also disern your beauty
through the ugliness of suffering and sin
that you have taken upon yourself.
Let me know you in the outcast,
the humiliated, the ridiculed, the shamed.
In the sinner who weeps for his sins.
Give me the courage
to look at your holy face,
almost obliterated, bruised and lacerated
by my own guilt, and to see myself!

Look back at me , Lord,
through your tears,
with my own eyes,
and let me see you,
Jesus, condemed to death,
in myself,
and in all men
who are condemed to die.

Not with my will
but with yours,
knowing that you
have changed sorrow to joy,
and that you have changed
death to life.

"The Stations of the Cross"
Caryll Houselander.

1 comment:

  1. Than you for the honor of your award. Be on the Journey with you though not here. Will meet you again after Easter!!! God bless you and your family during this HOLY SEASON!!! Cathy


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