
Monday, February 04, 2008

"Tiwee Gowm"

My little one year old is standing on the bed behind me making faces at the mirror!

Everytime I turn around to catch her she dives her head under the pillow and says

"Tiwee Gowm"

Her name is "Tilly" (Matilda) and she's "gone"

So now I'm laughing and she has an audience!


"peeeeekaboo Mammay"Add Image


  1. Your little daughter is so adorable! Don't you love how they love playing hide-and-seek? When it's time for bed, EVERY NIGHT my toddler runs to "hide" under his blanket yelling "I'm hiding...come and find me!" Then I go through the SAME routine of pretending not to know where he is, despite the fact that half his body is exposed and he is making so much noise.

    Now..."bia gowm"! God bless!

  2. Oh, how ADORABLE! I love these pictures, Suzy! 'Tiwee" is a doll!

  3. I love this age, so adorable. My daughter is two years old, and I savor every moment. That doll is really cute - home made?

  4. Sooo sweet!!! A beautiful and happy doll. God bless your children and your family!
    Kisses and hugs, Sma

  5. Oh joy! So precious. I miss hide and seek.

  6. Yes. I made a ragdoll for my three oldest girls for Christmas.
    My eldest daughter Emmy wants to make one for baby's birthday in May now so we're starting on that soon!


Thank you for your thoughts.