
Tuesday, May 27, 2008


“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
(Matthew 10:29-31)
Today I've been thinking about the small things, the unoticed things... Details.
How many times do I miss the details.
There is a tree opposite our house. Since we have lived here I have watched it through the seasons.

During Summer it's lush greeness spreads outward and upward. Swollen green leafed open palms praise the blue skies.

During Autumn it's leaves curl into cupped hands, golden, waiting.

At Wintertime the tree is stripped bare, it's structure exposed to the elements. It's branches brittle and vulnerable looking, grasp out at the blank white canvas above. A prayer of supplication.

Now it is Springtime something glorious happens. Upon each new supple offshoot grows a white blossom that opens out into a small candelabra shape. The tree shimmers in it's new adornment.

From here at by bedroom window the plain white blossom of this tree seems overshadowed by the powder puff pinks and ruby red jewels of the cherry and Almond varieties which line our street.

Yet yesterday, walking home my daughter reached up and pulled one of the little blossoms off in her hands.

Looking closely, I was amazed. Although plain white on the outside, inside each petal had it's own distinctive colour. The spectrum of colours was amazing. I literally couldn't find one single blossom alike!

It was as if each flower had been individually painted by hand with it's own custom colour.

All different and unique yet part of the same tree.

So today I thank God for the details.
The small, the unrealsized beauty, the little offerings, the things that go unoticed on the outside yet shine with the handiwork of God at their centre.

For God's greatness adorns the centre of the smallest petals.
In quiet, unoticed places his love blossoms.

"But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father who is seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly"

The Thousand Gifts


  1. As i read, i kept thinking that you were describing the body of Christ . . . the precious blooms that we are . . . our centers all quite diverse yet all of the same tree.

    How we miss the quiet, diverse details of our brothers and sisters when the aperture of our seeing is closed down.

    A beautiful and tender post, Suzy! Thank you.

  2. Very moving . . . in today's world it's not enough to take the time to smell the roses, but, as you said, we should take the time to also admire the intricate details.

    Thanks for sharing this reminder.

  3. I love these scriptures. God sees the very secret things, that should bring us comfort.

  4. Just wonderful, as are you.

    Blessings and love.

  5. Details! Yes! Why are we in such a hurry? Last night when I was pruning the roses, I noticed that the Peace rose had some new buds...It starts out in a bud of red-orange and as it blossoms and unfolds it brings forth the most beautiful yellow with red edges, until it is finally in full bloom. It is the most glorious yellow!

    bia is right, too. And when we take the time to "admire the intricate details" then we are reminded to praise the creator!

    Details!!! Thank you! You have touched me again. Cathy

  6. This is a beautiful piece of writing, Suzy, and you give good advice - don't judge by what you see, don't just pass something/ someone by with hardly a glance, but look for God in that person, for the beauty within - as Laure says ' the precious blooms that we are.'

  7. This is so lovely. I not only miss the details in the world around me, I miss the details in relationships- the small gestures that often define them.
    Gave me lots to think about.

  8. Thanks everyone for your comments and welcome Laura so nice to "meet" with you here. Thankyou for your comment :)


Thank you for your thoughts.