
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunshine on a rainy day!

The Thousand Gifts

The label "Gratitude" in my sidebar is part of a new set of posts inspired by Ann @ Holy Experience One Thousand Gifts list.

Today I'm thinking...
As I watch the rain slide across my window, melting the cars, and the trees, and the overgrown grass in my front garden. That I mostly think of writing my gratitude list at the end of Sunny days not the begining of rainy ones!

The sun creates evaporation. Our spirits soar. We can let go! Raise our open palms to the light!

Yet the rain seems to become absorbed into the pores of our soul. Clouds hang heavy, the day darkens beneath them.

The sunlight sheds light, uplifts, defines the contours of life, brings out the individual colours of nature, inspires. We can go outside, run, leave our cares in the laundry basket!
Whereas the rain, smudges the lines of life. Confines, makes us stay inside. Restricts our plans, makes us look within the rooms in our hearts as well as our homes.

My day today, reflects a little hidden sunlight from muddy puddles. As the rain hits my window and fragments the debris of thoughts and plans and ideas into droplets on windowsills.

I want to thankyou Lord for this rainy day! It reminds me that it doesn't have to be sunny and warm for your light to shine, guide and heal. I don't have to always see or feel your light for it to be there.

Thankyou for this little house, our shelter. The rooms are a little messy, worn by memories and growing souls. Nothing matches, there's always something that needs fixing! Yet I love it, because it's home, and all the imprints of our living here remind me of what it is to be a family.

Thankyou for treasures collected by little hands, shells, shiny stones, feathers and fircones, stored in egg cups and china bowls.

The colourings and pictures taped on the walls, because Tilly is so proud of herself every time she looks a them and points "me draw, me draw!"

The books stacked on the piano, pages and pages of words, well loved and well read.

A ragged, comfortable chair, big enough for a mama and baby to sunuggle up with one of those books on.

A small garden, that was nothing but weeds and rubble surrounded by chicken wire when we first moved in. Now has a swing, three black and white rabbits, a slide, some flowers and a few vegetables thanks to a few helping hands and some busy afternoons working up a sweat!

Thankyou for the laundry! Yes I actually mean it today. Each little vest and sock and dress, all belonging to a little soul, that God has blessed into my life.

Thankyou for homecooked smells from the kitchen. And the vegetable peelings left behind. By a little girl who cooked her first meal all by herself. When did she grow up so quickly!

Thankyou for two little babies keeping eachother awake with laughter even though they were meant to be sleeping! Through my tierd eyes I couldn't help but smile.

Thankyou for the quarreling, learning, growing pains, of children being, living, finding their way toward you together.

Thankyou for sisters who are finding the truth of themselves through the laughter and tears of eachother. Growing into girls that can, live with differences, share together, create together, work together, care for each other.

Thankyou for your light in the darkness Lord,

Your kingdom which grows within through both Sunlight and rainfall.

Shoots of green pushing out from the earth. Bringing forth life from within.


  1. Oh, Suzy. So beautiful, it gives me goosebumps ~ and I can identify with every single thanksgiving. God blesses us with rainy days ~ He always knows what's best, and there is beauty in everything, because He's in everything. Thanks for blessing my day with this, dear friend!

  2. Rain indeed! Time to stop and rest and take stock; to get prepared for moving out into the sun tomorrow!

  3. THANK gratitude extends past all these thing, for which I am truly grateful, to you and yours. You have enlightened and enriched my life in so many ways!!! Cathy

  4. Hi Suzy -

    You are such a blessing to me!



  5. p.s. That is my husband's account...

    Don't have my own. :)

  6. ohhh....sooo...beautiful!! Thank you!!!!

  7. Beautiful words, beautiful thoughts, Suzy!

  8. Hi Suzy,

    I was so drawn to the third image here that i have included it in a post....i hope thats okay : ) Truly, such a beautiful eye you have....

    Peaceful Weekend : ) Wendy


Thank you for your thoughts.