Thursday, May 15, 2008

A few corners of my home. ( A scrap by scrap glance)

Says it all.

New projects!

Beatrix Potter,Still a children's favourite.

A pastel portrait of my irish paternal grandmother at 21. She lived to be 103.

Emmy's clay jug.

Kitchen windowsill. With a fircone found by Bujana on a trip to the park!

This blanket was crocheted by my Granny and has wrapped up 3 generations of babies!

Emmy's present for her littlest sister's first birthday!

Tilly and her apple!

All I can say is. There are alot of girls in this house!

And Girls = sparkly stuff!

Prayer beads for small hands


  1. Suzy, what a wonderful journey through your space . . . scrap by scrap! All beautiful images that share a bit more of what speaks of your beauty! What genes you come from. Thank you for sharing. :)

  2. You have a way of making art welcoming and eye catching. Your gallery is one in which I can sit and rest in the warmth of the colors and charm. You now send me off to prayer. Thank you Cathy

  3. A lovely tasteful collection of photos from one with an artistic eye.

  4. What a lovely post! It was very artistically done. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thank you for sharing these photos. They actually make me want to visit and have a chat! Just beautifully presented!

  6. Suzy, you couldn't possibly have told us more about your heart than you have here by showing us your home. So warm and beautiful. So blessed, too.

  7. A great collection of creative shoots.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leading me here :-)

  8. Hi Suzy

    Do you like being called Suzy or SuzyQ?

    This post was SO lovely. That top picture most especially. Im looking forward very much to exploring your blog once i'm online more...

    Peaceful Week to you : ) Wendy

  9. Hello Britt and Wendy.
    It's lovely to "meet" with you here.
    Welcome to my little corner of the world!

  10. I LOVE your photograhs!!They simple but yet amazing!!!

  11. Hi.
    I was so incensed by your page I had to post a comment.
    What a wonderfully creative and beautiful way of sharing some of your life with everyone.
    You must be a truly amazing person, with the ability to touch many people. Long may you continue to do so.
    Best wishes,

  12. Just popped by and saw this. Your home is very beautiful and must be a magical place for your little ones to grow up in.


Thank you for your thoughts.