Sunday, May 11, 2008

the simple woman's daybook

This looked like fun from The Simple Woman @
It's called the simple woman's daybook. If you would like to join in simply link your blog by clicking on The Simple Woman site!

Outside My Window... I see long shadows gaze across my front lawn. It's been a beautiful sunny day. Down the end of the street some children are playing with a bat and ball. A little girl with curly hair walks by the side of our garden wrapped in a towel down to her ankles. Most people have had their paddling pools out today. The faint scent of somebody's barbecue singes the mellow air.
I am thinking... Of how still and peaceful everything is. The birds are singing so loudly, even they are happy when there's not a cloud in the sky! I'm thinking how I hope this weather lasts through till September!
I am thankful for... Aftersun!!! heehee! oh and of course sunscreen! Good friends, cool drinks, the way my husband has fun with our children, makes me love him more than ever. Ice cream, happy girls.
From the kitchen... Today it's simple! Hotdogs, salad, fruit, icecream, prawn crackers, pitta bread and hommous, fresh orange juice, (not all in the same bowl together of course!)
I am wearing... Blue jeans and a yellow cotten smock top
I am creating... Hopefully as much as I'm able a happy atmosphere in my home for my family.
I am going... To take my daughter to the neighbour's house so she can go with her to walk her little dog.
I am reading... Mainly just the bible at the moment.
I am hoping... To have a lovely day tommorrow with my husband who has a day off work!
I am hearing... Birdsong and chattering girls.

Around the house... Not much because we've been outside all day! Which is nice, as it means no toys to pick up heehhee!
One of my favorite things... Seeing all my kids having fun together, helping eachother.
Being woken by sunlight and blue skys and cheerful birdsong.
Strawberries and cream tea,
a sense of contentment.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Spending as much time as I can outside with the kids, making the most of the good weather. Posting some letters and outfits to our sponsor children. Learning to bake a bannana cake. I absolutly love bannana cake yet I've never baked one myself before. Now is the time!
Here is picture thought I am sharing...(

Boo in a dress Emmy made her!


  1. Your life as you report of it sounds "simply" wonderful, Suzy! Banana cake . . . yummy . . . I'm salivating just reading about it . . . funny how that happens. Have fun!! Boo is precious!

  2. Love it! What a doll is Boo! (You sound like you had such a lovely day!)

  3. What a wonderful list of thing you share with us. It was like sitting in your kitchen over tea. Thank you!! Cathy


Thank you for your thoughts.