Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Being a Kite

Jacqueline Sweeney

If I were a kite

I'd kneel,

stretch my skinny arms

out wide,

and wait for wind.

My yellow shirt would

fill up like a sail

and flap,

tugging my criss-crossed

wooden bones and me

towards seas of cloud.

My rippling paper skin

would rustle like applause

as I inhaled,

gulping one last

gustto swoop me giddy-quick

above the trees.

My red rag tail

would drift

toward everything green

to balance me

so all day

I could

loop and climb

loop and climb

and soar

into pure sky.


  1. Oh my goodness!!!! What fun you must have had!!! The poem was grand. Makes you want to fly!! Good Day!!! Cathy

  2. That was way awesome!!!!!

  3. Beautiful photos . . . so carefree and full of joy!


Thank you for your thoughts.