
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

From the Ground

You know how sometimes you think your have it all figured out. Then suddenly life pushes it up a gear and you realise it was never you who was in control. It was God's strength and guidance all along.

Sometimes we have to face a broken reflection in the mirror. Love does not always look pretty. Sometimes it is messy. It does not come bound in a beautifully organised binder. Sometimes all the plans and schedules are laid to waste. God alone is working his plan through us. Broken branches falling back to their roots.

I am learning I cannot "organise" God out of my life. His plan is greater than mine. Sometimes a life airbrushed to perfection is more to do with outside expectations than God's will.

Christ lives through the broken, the hidden, the forgotton and the messy, difficult relentless trials more often than through the strong, showy, well presented, respectable, success stories.

It doesn't all come down to the end "result", the checked list, the achieving of every aim I think I ought. It's about accepting the times when my plans fail, however hard I try. Allowing these times to reflect my pride, self assurance, true weaknessness, so that I may grow closer to the truth. My design is not always His design.

For it is from the ground that we are raised up. To touch that ground is to touch the debris of stars. I am close to my saviour here.


  1. This was wonderful!!! Amazingly, we are tools and many times we don't even know it. I particularly liked the phrase, you "can't organize God out of [your]life." I have found that, even when I was younger, plans made nearly always required some form of prayer (petition, praise, thanksgiving, etc.) and it was spontaneous. Nothing I thought about doing. So, as you say, He can't be organized out of our lives if he is truly a part of that life. Thanks be to God and to you for this grand post. Cathy

  2. Suzy, you did a beautiful job. You said it MUCH better than me!


  3. Yes.

    I don't much like touching star debris, honestly. It hurts to realize where I've "fallen" from the sky. But as you say, this stuff we touch, taste, smell... it begins to tell us truths we need to know. And then, perhaps, we find we rise again, like Venus on the horizon.

  4. Broken branches falling back to their roots - what a wonderful image that is! This an excellent reflection, Suzy, one that lingers in the back of the mind.

  5. Deep thoughts. Important reflections.

  6. Thankyou all for such sweet comments :)
    God Bless

  7. oh wonderful...well said..... God does use the broken, the weary, the beat's amazing how He works through our not so perfect lives and uses us to touch and reach out to others.That's the second time in a month I hear what you said..thanks for sharing, thanks for the reminder....God can, and He is using me. :) Amen Sista!!!!!

  8. True... we must follow Him wherever he takes us!

  9. I love this.
    I wrote once about how I keep failing to realize that I don't get to choose my burdens- if so, they wouldnt' really BE burdens.
    Maybe the only plan we can really make is to plan to pray.

  10. Beautiful reflection Suzy:) Thankyou.

    Peace, JOY & love to you:)

    Marie xoxoxo


Thank you for your thoughts.