
Monday, June 09, 2008

Just a quick update from me!

Unfortunatly the " feeling a little unwell" of my last post has turned into a fully fledged tummy bug that is, as we speak, sweeping through the house :0(

Not so fun!

So here is a little wordless post for once which is nice :)

Here are some pictures of us lot out and about during these sunny days we've been enjoying recently:)

Better than pictures of the inside of my house at the momenet anyway smile ;)


  1. Wonderful pictures! I hope you get to feeling better real soon. Prayers and hugs going out your way!

  2. The cheeks on these little girls are precious. What great pictures.

  3. Beautiful pictures! The green is eye-watering and the girls are just so precious. &:o) I do hope you are all feeling better. We're down to our 2 y.o. with the "bug" (Poor little guy ~ I'd much rather have it again myself!) and hopefully it's on its way out now... Maybe that's it for the summer for all of us ~ on both sides of the Atlantic!

  4. Okay Wonder Woman .... tummy bugs abound and you still have a great eye and ability to bless others so with it!!!!!

    Oh I pray you all will be rosy cheeked and feeling better soon.

  5. awesome pictures!!! You really capture their innocence!!!

  6. Beautiful, beautiful children, Suzy!!!!

    Hope you are feeling better!

  7., again! :) NOT husband!

  8. Heehee! Don't worry I remember Holly :)


Thank you for your thoughts.